Saturday, June 07, 2008

. Its not a sprint .

hello blog. 

didn't really had the time to update regarding my indonesia trip since i came back so here's the chance. but i'm too lazy to go in depth so let me describe it this way. it offered all of us a wide spectrum of the human emotion. happiness, sadness, grieve, excitement, frustration, fear, paranoia, confusion, i am serious. it was a very enjoyable trip in all and one that i will always remember.

as we venture deeper into our relationship, we will find skeletons in each others closet or so to say find out unexpected things. confessions,regrets,dark secrets and so on.  its all for the good for the sooner we know, the earlier we can absorb it. but its not about how fast or how early problems occur etc. its all about patience,dedication, trust, honesty and all the rest will take its place. its about how we are in handling certain issues. how well and how capable. 

its not a sprint to the finish line, its a marathon.

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