Thursday, December 25, 2008

. Not too pleasing .

finally, i'm serving my national service. its been a long wait now its gonna be another long wait for it to far it has been pretty good. the physical training for the first week was quite bad because it has been awhile since i last exercised and thus i had body cramps all over during the weekend.

the people in my dorm thankfully are okay. no mats no ahbengs. all are fun people cept for those few bad apples. nonetheless, the people whom i'm close with are cool.

as for now im facing a major dilemma over choice of vocation. firefighter or other vocation? fuck. everyday this thought will bother me. scary. firefighter is a very attractive vocation but i will go through six months of hell which im not too sure whether i have the mental strength to go through.

the first week was quite tough for me having to handle regimental life and other commitments. they say this point of your life is the biggest test that one will face and as far as i can say, im doing pretty good. her understanding and care has made this transition way easier for me.thank you babylove. you are the reason that makes every single day go by quick. for i know with every single hour passed,im an hour closer to listening to your voice and every single day passed, i'm a day closer to meeting are my purpose.

before ns, weekends were nothing special to me but now, every weekend is so damn precious. every day i live in fear of having my weekends burnt for guard duty.

on top of all that, i'm so in love with my babylove.hugs and kisses!

fuck. tomorrow book in.ergh.

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